Multi-tasking: The Mom Super Power

If you’ve been a mom for years or if you’ve only been a mom for a few weeks, you know that we are multi-tasking masters! From the time that we wake up to the time our eyes finally close at the end of the day, our lives are filled with doing many things at the same time! If you are a new mom, you might be just learning how to do many things at once, but if you have reached the point where your kids are double digits and older, then you most likely have black belt level multi-tasking skills that those observing should be in awe of.
Let me give those of you who aren’t sure what I am talking about a glimpse into  possible real life scenarios that we moms face every single day. It might go something like this:


It’s 7:45 in the morning, and we have planned to take a field trip to Washington DC with some of our friends who we are supposed to meet at 8:30 at the nearby park-and-ride. I had all the kids pack their lunches the night before and I woke them up at 7:00 so that we would not be late. My two youngest are sitting at the table slowly eating their breakfast, two kids are wandering around the kitchen trying to figure out what they are supposed to eat for their breakfast and one more kid is still up in their room and I have no idea if they are actually awake yet.

Mom: (to the 2 kids eating) We have to leave in 15 minutes. Hurry up and finish your food. (Turns to the 2 wandering around the kitchen while she is gathering all the packed lunches) What are you doing? We have to leave soon. Did you eat anything yet?

Wandering kid 1: I don’t know what to eat. There’s nothing I like.

Wandering kid 2: I don’t want to eat anything. I always feel sick in the car if I eat before driving that far.

Mom: (to the 2 kids eating) Finish those last bites and then put your dishes in the dishwasher. After that go find your shoes and put them on. (To wandering kid 1) I JUST went shopping. What do you mean there’s nothing you like? What is it that you are looking for? We have cereal, fruit, bagels, waffles, toast, eggs, sausage… you don’t like ANY of those things? Make me a list of things you will eat for breakfast and next time I shop I’ll try and get some of those things. For now, just pick something because we are leaving in ten minutes. (To wandering kid 2) Okay, well, grab something that you can take in the car in case you get hungry later. Oh, and grab a bucket in case you get car sick.

Kid 1 eating: I can’t finish my waffle. I’m full.

Kid 2 eating: I’m done!

Mom: (to kids eating) You literally have ONE bite left. Put it in your mouth and take care of your dishes and get your shoes on. If you are done, your dishes should be put away and you should be getting your shoes on. (Helps kids not so gently out of their seats and guides them toward the kitchen with their dishes in hand while hollering up the steps to possible sleeping kid:) “We are leaving in 5 minutes! Hurry up!”

Wandering kid 1: Fine. I’ll just have some toast. Can you braid my hair?

Mom: Okay, sure. (While putting all the breakfast things away says to kids now finished eating) You HAVE to find your shoes right now and put them on. (To wanderer 2:) “If you’re not going to eat anything, then PLEASE help your brothers find their shoes. We are going to be late.”

Kid 1 looking for shoes: I can only find one of my flip flops! It’s not with the other one!

Mom: (While braiding kid’s hair) It got pushed down the steps into the TV room. Look down there. Hey, someone feed the fish!

Possible sleeping kid: (walks slowly down the steps into the kitchen) Do I have time for a shower? I didn’t hear you wake us up.

Mom: (trying to keep her cool while finishing braiding hair) Nope! We are getting ready to load up in 2 minutes. You need to get your stuff together and we HAVE to leave. (Turns to Kid 2 who is supposed to be putting shoes on) Why are you playing with Legos????? Why are your shoes not on? Put your shoes on now, and get into the car. Did anyone feed the dog? (Checks dog dish, sees that it’s empty and fills it with food) Did everyone go to the bathroom? I am not stopping for potty breaks on the way down to DC. Everyone make sure you go before you get in the car. (To kid 1 who FINALLY found their shoe:) “Your face has syrup all over it. Make sure you wash it when you wash your hands after going to the bathroom.” (To wandering kid 1:) “Your toast is finished. Put it in a sandwich bag and take it in the car. (Walks outside and checks temperature) It’s a little chilly. Everyone grab a jacket or hoodie to take with you in the car. Did everyone grab their lunches by the front door? Someone take the cooler of drinks out to the van. (Checks to make sure everyone is out of the house, locks the door and gets in the van) Great! We are supposed to meet our friends in 10 minutes and the place is 20 minutes away! Well, crud.”


Our house in the morning during a school day:  We’ve finished breakfast and Bible time together and everyone has begun their different subjects. Mom is sitting at the table with the youngest doing math, working on school schedules and paying bills.

Mom: If you have 4 candies and I give you one more, how many do you have?

Kid doing Algebra downstairs on the computer: Mom!!!! I need help!

Mom: (to kid downstairs) Okay! Just a minute! (Turns to kid at table) How many candies to you have? What’s one more than 4?

Kid upstairs: Mom! How many pages am I supposed to read in History?

Mom: (checks History assignments while finishing up with the bills) Pages 12-23. Do the questions at the end! (To kid at table) Do you know how many 1 more is than 4, sweetie? Oh, you wrote the 5 already? Good job! Now, color this elephant in while I go downstairs and see what your sister needs. (Walks through kitchen and sees her teacup filled with cold tea sitting on the counter, so she sticks it in the microwave to warm up while she is helping kid downstairs)

Kid upstairs: What were those pages again?

Mom: (hollering from downstairs) 12-23 and do the questions after!! (Turns to kid at computer:) “What’s the problem?”

Algebra kid: I don’t understand this. How is this answer wrong? I did it just the way they said to in the lecture.

Mom: Ummmm, let me look at the book. Hang on.

Kid doing math up at the table: Mom! I’m done the elephant! Am I done math?

Mom: No! Color the tiger next. Stay in the lines!

Kid upstairs: Do I have to write all the questions? Can I just tell you the answers?

Mom: Yes. Write them all out. You’re in high school. Do the work.Can you please stop hollering down here? I’m trying to help with Algebra! (Turns to Algebra kid:) “Let me show you on paper how to do this.” (Shows kid how and then goes back up to the kitchen and starts to put food in the crock pot for dinner)

Kid at table: I’m done the tiger!

Mom: (puts top on crock pot and goes to finish math at the table) Sorry buddy! Let’s finish these last 5 problems.

Algebra kid: Mom! I need help again!

Mom: (to Algebra kid) Do all the problems you know how and then I’ll come help with the rest. I need to finish with your brother. (Hears microwave beeping and realizes she forgot her tea AGAIN so she gets up and grabs her tea and brings it to the table) Okay. How many bears are on this page? Can you find them all?

Kid on break wanders in: Mom! Look at this cool ship I builted out of Legos!

Mom: Not builted. Built. There’s no “ED” after it. That’s really cool, dude, but I need you to go back and play for 5 more minutes so that I can finish with your brother here. Oh, shoot! I forgot to finish with the crock pot. Did you finish counting the bears? I’ll be right back. I need to finish getting dinner ready. Write how many bears.

Algebra kid: I’m done!

Kid upstairs: Can I have the computer then?

Mom: Not yet! I have to help her with Algebra still, and I’m not finished with your brother’s math yet! (Finishes putting dinner in the crock pot and turns it on before sitting back down at the table.) I’m almost done up here! Just give me a second. (Takes a sip of her COLD tea) *Sigh*

Sound familiar to anyone? I could write lots and lots of different scenarios, all in which the mom is busy doing multiple things at the same time and with all different people. I believe that this is a special ability that God gives us when we are blessed with children because, let’s be real for a moment here: how else would our houses run properly? Who else could manage all of these things at one time? We’ve got our kids to look after and help with school (be it home school or just home work), we have a house to maintain and keep clean, we have to do all the shopping, the cooking, the driving kids back and forth to all their different sports, youth groups etc, not to mention our wonderful husbands who come home after a busy day and also need our love and attention. There is absolutely NO WAY we could get everything done without the ability of multi-tasking. I’m sure of it.

Some people look on and say, “I don’t know how you do it all. You must be exhausted all the time.” Not so much. I mean, yeah, I get tired just like everyone else, and sometimes my days can be exhausting, but do I feel tired ALL THE TIME? No. I don’t. As a mom of many kids, I think that I thrive on doing all the things all the time. It’s who God made me to be. I honestly think that if I just had one thing to do at a time all the time, I would get bored and I wouldn’t be nearly as productive as I am now. Maybe it’s pride speaking, but I love being able to multi-task as much as I do. Hey, it’s my mom super power!

One thing I will admit, though. Sometimes it gets overwhelming. There are times when I feel like I’ve stretched myself farther than I should. I’ve committed to too much or just simply taken on too many tasks all at once. At this point, I feel like I’ve worn myself down so that I am running on fumes. Some of you might be nodding now in agreement because you’ve been here. You’ve reached the point where you feel like you have nothing left to give. It’s like you’re empty.

I have always thought that if I started out my day spending time in the Word and talking to God, then He would fill me up with enough grace to overflow onto the rest of my family. I think that I need to change my perspective. Don’t get me wrong, here. I still believe that starting my day with my quiet time is absolutely and positively the best way for me to begin my day. Spending time with my Father before I jump into my multi-tasking whirl wind is the only way to keep my sanity! What I am talking about is changing the way I see myself. I’ve always imagined myself like a pot that needs to be filled in order to be poured out for others. I believe that I need to view myself instead, as an open-ended conduit of God’s grace, compassion, kindness, love and power. He is constantly giving and if I stay connected to His unending grace and power, I will be able to maintain my ability to give endlessly of myself to those who depend on me day after day. My body may get tired, but my spirit will stay renewed and ready to give.

Maybe it’s time to take a step back and evaluate where you are in your relationship with God. How do you view yourself? Are you more of a pot that comes back to be refilled now and then, or are you staying connected so that you can allow His grace and power to flow through you all the time? I want to stay connected to Him so that when my family needs me, they can see the power of God flowing through me and flowing out to meet their many needs all at the same time.

drinking fountain




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