Towards the end of January I felt God prompting me to take the first 21 days of February and fast. Our family had been hit with Covid over Christmas, and so the after effects combined with holiday eating had taken a toll not only on my body, but on my mind as well. I had noticed that the brain fog that so often accompanies this virus had also affected my communication with God. I was still praying and having my quiet times regularly, but my ability to hear from God seemed diminished somehow. I knew that a cleansing of my body as well as my soul would make a huge difference, and fasting seemed to be the best solution.
So, what would that look like for 21 days? Was I supposed to water fast for that long? I honestly had no clue. I just knew that I was supposed to do SOMETHING for 21 days and so I jumped right in with a water fast and knew that as my mind cleared, God would make it evident as to what this journey would look like.The first three days were not super hard. I had fasted for that long before. I only got a slight headache and was somewhat fatigued, but overall, it was not difficult and I was definitely beginning to think more clearly.
At this point, I still wasn’t sure how long the water fast was to go on, but on day 4 I got a very clear answer when, as I was getting out of the bath, I nearly passed out. It was clear that my body was too weak from having been sick to maintain a water fast any longer. I needed some nourishment. So now what?
I began to pray and seek God for wisdom as to what the rest of the time would look like and a plan began to come together. Nutrition was definitely key. I had to make sure that what I was putting into my body was only food that would build up my immune system and encourage healing. The answer? Vegetables. Lots and lots of vegetables. I would eat them raw (including salad with oil and lemon) for the majority of the week, and then on the weekends I would roast them or make my own vegetable soups that contained only vegetables, spices and occasionally unsweetened coconut milk.
I started most mornings with a delicious green drink complete with vitamin c powder mixed in. I also made sure to continue with my other supplements as well – D3, magnesium, quercetin, zinc and chlorophyll. Occasionally, I would fast for breakfast or lunch and spend that time with God. Mini bell peppers and carrots became my go-to throughout the day, as well as any other raw veggies that looked appealing. Avocados are very nutritious and filling, so they were also a staple either in my salads or just by themselves with a little garlic salt and lemon on top.

I knew that this fasting time was not just about the eating and the healing of my body, so I also asked the Lord what I was to be learning spiritually during this time. A few things stood out:
1- Although I had been very diligent with my reading and prayer each morning, it had become kind of shallow compared to where I was before the holidays. Sure, holidays in a big family can take its toll mentally and physically, but that is never to take away from or take the place of my time with God. Time to dig deep again! I also decided to take a break from any tv shows that I watched during the week and replace that time with either sermons or worship music. (Incidentally, I found some really great new songs for my playlist!)
2- I need to seek holiness in a way that I would look for one of my children if they were missing. I began listening to sermons and reading studies on holiness and gleaned some excellent insight into this topic. Here’s just a glimpse at what He showed me: “If we are not walking in purity of heart, integrity and right relationships, we will not be able to maintain His presence. As we pursue more of His presence we must also pursue holiness. God doesn’t just want to come for a short while; He wants to stay. This requires a holy people who can steward His presence and all that He wants to pour out.” – Pastor Shane Idleman
3- I am heading up a night of worship at our church at the end of February and it needs to be totally Spirit led. What would He have us sing that night, and what is on His heart to share with my church family? Through my prayer times, the song list has come together and a theme for the night has taken shape. Oh- I also had no drummer, but God provided one two days before our first rehearsal! The saying is true, “God is seldom early but never late.”
4- He showed me some changes that need to take place in our home – starting with our eating. There is a lot more to it than changing our eating habits, but that’s for another post. Keep an eye out for my “March Madness” plan!
For 21 days I followed the plan that I believe God had laid out for me. It wasn’t always easy (especially having to cook meals for the rest of the family!) but it was 100% beneficial for both my body and my soul. I certainly don’t have all the answers for my life at this point. I don’t know if I’ll go back to watching my shows or not. I’m not sure exactly what my eating will look like going from here. There are still some concerns that I have about my health, so I need to maintain good eating habits. I think I’m supposed to do a study for women on holiness, although I’m not sure what that looks like either. What I do know is that this journey is never over until I fall down before the throne, so my pursuit should only increase at this point, not regress at all. After all, the Bible says, “run that you may obtain it” – “it” being the prize of heaven which is imperishable.
I’ve learned a lot about fasting over the last two years and I am continuing to learn. While fasting can be used as a means to improve your health or to lose some unwanted weight, there’s more to it than that. Jesus commands us to fast. For this reason, the next time an occasion arises, I pray that I will be faithful and obey.
There are all kinds of reasons to fast — for provision, for healing, for direction or to simply hear from God. Fasting as a spiritual discipline shouldn’t be about the food. Fasting is when we deny the flesh to make room for the Spirit, so hopefully after the last 21 days the Holy Spirit in me has a lot more room to move around!